“Usher in My Glory” (© 2017 06 21) by Sandy Foster
Jane Hansen Hoyt has described Aglow International as “a transformational Kingdom movement with a mindset that is out of this world”. As GameChangers in this 21st century, we who are being transformed become transformers of society. Jane has also said that the Kingdom of God is not in retreat. It is an ever advancing and increasing Kingdom. God is building a global family of faith that I would call the International Church. Today, just as in the days of the Acts of the Apostles, the fire of the Holy Spirit is forcing us into the global community of faith. When the fire of God falls on us we become one in purpose, and every dividing factor disappears.
I would like to share with you excerpts from Chuck Pierce’s recent prophetic word about winds that God has been holding back in heaven for 8 years and is about to release into the earth:
“Now I will release them and I am acting on how you have sought me in the last 8 years. And these winds will begin to gather an army of those who have been faithful…The winds of adversity will now produce an army, and people will…recognize it is the Lord’s army that has changed the course of history … These winds … will cause the hand of the enemy that has been controlling movement and strategy in the earth to be removed and no longer will the enemy have the upper hand in the land.”
click on Be My Living Trumpets – The song is a Prophetic Word by Ursula Taylor, set to music by Leslie Precht (Sandy Foster on keyboard)
I believe we are one of those winds of the Spirit that God is releasing into the earth. This is like the days when the shofar was blown and its sound caused the ears of the troops to tweak to it and rally. This is a time to rally the troops to the battle of the Lord, a time to war together, a time to walk together. There is a distinct sound of the Lord coming forth to Aglow in Canada, and we hear it, and we want to release that sound and blow that trumpet, that shofar, in Canada so that our nation will be counted in the end of times as a sheep nation, a nation that will surrender to God, not because everybody was a Christian, but because there was a remnant.
So I am challenging us that we are called for such a time as this. NOW is that time that we have been hearing about for many years. As GameChangers we have been called higher in our understanding of our role as part of God’s army on earth. Until now, the enemy has been more organized and intentional about advancing his agenda and accomplishing his plans than the church has been about advancing God’s Kingdom. As Graham has said to us, “There is an absence of Kingdom leaders in the earth and we must rise to this challenge.” I’m calling Aglow Canada to arise to a higher intentionality because THIS IS OUR DAY! THIS IS OUR MOMENT! From now on, we are continually rising!
We are aligning ourselves with God’s agenda for Canada and the nations. We are responsible not only to stand in the gap and influence this world, but we are also learning that our true identity means saying yes to what God is speaking to our nation. We are taking ownership of our responsibility to our nation to see God’s will done on earth as it is in heaven.
God is now deploying Aglow as one “regiment” in His army alongside another “regiment” – Watchmen for the Nations. As the Holy Spirit leads we are coming alongside Watchmen in advancing God’s kingdom for the nations. Watchmen has recently initiated the CanadaSHIELD to mobilize and gather the family in Canada in a new level of John 17 unity to see His glory and dominion come to our land from sea to sea to sea. Watchmen has extended an invitation to Aglow to join the CanadaSHIELD at https://www.facebook.com/groups/canadashield/ and submit prophetic declarations, prayers, songs, poems, dance, prophetic art, visions, and more so that the sound of heaven for Canada is released over Canada.
Remi Ogunrinde
National Acting President
Aglow International Canada