Every time we raise our flag and sing our National Anthem we make amazing declarations over Canada. ‘The true north strong and free!’ ‘God keep our land glorious and free.’ ‘Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee!’ As watchmen on the wall join Aglow International Capital Prayer and stand in the gap on behalf of Canada and the nations where Canada is called to bring healing. [‘and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.’ Rev 22:2]
- Father, we declare that You will bring Your glory to our nation, Canada.
- Heavenly Father, only You can keep our land glorious and free!
- We declare that we will not look to world systems for answers to the critical issues of our nations. We look to You, Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
- We declare that Canada is a nation strong in the Lord, a place of freedom for all.
- As our founding fathers did …we proclaim that you shall have dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth. Ps 72:8
Father there are many important governmental issues where our members of parliament need great wisdom. We pray for..
- the debate that continues regarding M 103 a motion dealing with systemic racism and religious discrimination.
- Canada’s consideration of a partnership to invest in international abortion.
upcoming Conservative Leadership Election May 27, 2017