October 5, 2020

Last week, in a classroom, I was working with students in grade one who were printing the numeral 5. Two of the students needed extra practice and reassuring. Suddenly a beautiful number “5” appeared on paper with New Confidence!!

Breath of God

Hey is the 5th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and is symbolic of God’s Spirit and breath. Hey has the sound “H”. God visited Abram 5 times and Hey was added to Abram’s name. The Hey was placed as the fifth letter in Abram and also Sarai’s name and both names were changed to become Abraham and Sarah. When God shows up “Hey” here you go things happen!! The breath of God’s revelation gives a new name and a new Identity. When God breaths into our new name and identity it results in expansion, a new wine skin. 

God multiplied His presence in the earth by the miraculous opening of Sarah’s womb. Abraham became the Father of the Nations, destined for greatAglow Pness because of covenant. Abraham, communing with his God, walked in New Confidence, Expansion and New Territory. Plans of heaven birthed purpose!!!

Graham Cooke said… “Grace can never be separated from Primary Purpose”. Primary Purpose is being made in image of God and bringing many sons into His Glory.

Aglow’s purpose was birthed when 4 woman sat at a kitchen table. Why? Because like Sarah the womb of Aglow was opened. Romans 12:11, “Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit, serve the Lord“. Aglow’s name is like Abraham’s name where God’s breath brought purpose and identity. His Presence and Power came in meetings and our prayer times expanded to Nations. Prophetic words rolled into conferences and formed our mandates and purpose. We are carriers of His Glory and walking out our corporate destiny. What does God have for us? 

There is power in the House of Aglow because He is in us!! Let’s lean into Heaven together to hear, discern and walk in Our Primary Purpose with New Confidence!!! 

Shelley Rogers
National Prayer Coordinator