Dear Aglow International Canada,
Two months ago Aglow International celebrated Jubilee year at BOUNDLESS Global Conference in Richmond, Virginia. Many Canadians attended this conference and some of you ‘aglowers’ that could not make it there in person were able to watch the whole celebration by livestream. Please be sure to visit The transcripts of the whole conference are posted on their website under resources.
As was prophetically declared throughout the conference, we are in a time of one of the greatest shifts on earth right now. According to Graham Cooke, the Holy Spirit is closing the gap between promise and fulfillment. We are in times of acceleration where God is sovereignly breathing new life upon His people to propel us forward with great momentum.
I intend to highlight a few of the powerful words that were spoken to Aglow International at our jubilee conference in Richmond as an encouragement to us in Canada to forge ahead in this new season with great expectations and hope.
Dutch Sheets…
Dutch Sheets said, “This is your breakthrough portal year”. Aglow has been taken through different seasons, from what is called “chronos times” where God has been preparing things behind the scenes and watering and tending the seeds. He is taking us through that season and then we hit the “point of strategic timing.” He went on to say, “we can no longer think through an old wineskin. We are in a time of fullness”.
The implication is that this will impact our lifestyle and our meetings. God has positioned Aglow to be one of the points of the Spirit; spiritually and geographically positioned to pull people groups through a window!
It is time to re-dig ancient wells! Our outreach regiment of the army in Canada has been on that journey, already opening up new wells and re-digging.
Chuck Pierce
Chuck made this proclamation; we have entered into a Kingdom expression that we have never been in before. We are not going through the door the same way we have gone through the door in the past. This is a time of aligning our expectations for those things anticipated to come forth.
God is restoring our apostolic strength and call.
He went on further to say that this is the year of Ruth and we are regaining lost inheritances. Ruth was linked with alignment; she followed Naomi in a new way. Two generations were fully aligning to regain lost inheritance.
Graham Cooke
Graham said in his message to us, “Pay attention Aglow. Your mandates just got a serious upgrade!” I believe we will begin to see our mandates and our identity all upgraded to fit the dream of God in a bigger way. Prophecy must become as true in our heart as it is in His. Our response is key to all of this. It’s not time that brings fulfillment to prophecy, it’s positioning. We can get there sooner than we imagine. Don’t delay your response or your responsibility to come up to the level that this prophecy can be fulfilled.
Graham reiterated the importance for us in aglow to make war on negativity. This is who we are. Opposition attaches to what we don’t remove. If you are not attaching yourself to the word of the Lord, then the enemy will come and attach himself to you. We are exhorted to act within the lifetime of an opportunity and not delay. Leaders who are not in alignment with destiny who just want business as usual cannot stand the heat of accelerated development. We are mantled for a fresh move of God, not casual business.
National Leadership Title Changes
Aglow in Canada, as part of our preparation for the new apostolic era that we have stepped into, has taken some steps in realigning some of our national leaders. At the Canadian gathering during the jubilee conference in Richmond, we commissioned two of our leaders present and prayed to release them into their apostolic call and function. The leaders whose functions are changing are Maureen Smith, Charlotte Mandolesi and Wanda Fost who was on an assignment and couldn’t be with us in Richmond.
Wanda is now our National Prayer Liaison. She will be mobilizing prophetic intercession and networking which will include international assignments. She will continue to teach prayer and bring prophetic insights to Aglow.
Charlotte is our National Prayer Coordinator. In this new season, she will continue to build and expand Aglow prayer networks with strategies for prayer assignments. Charlotte will also begin raising up prayer coordinators for the provinces.
Maureen is our National Director of Governmental Prayer / GameChanger Coordinator. Maureen will facilitate governmental prayer federally, provincially and globally from a Kingdom perspective. Her assignments include, but are not limited to, Capital Prayer, NHOP visits, border prayer. As well she will share the leadership development portfolio with Remi.
Iris Williams has also graciously taken the position of National Treasurer. All the office administrative functions and financial responsibilities will now be in her portfolio.
Aglow International Canada we have been recommissioned for this time; mantled in this breakthrough portal year. Be encouraged and together lets forge ahead in this new season with great expectations and hope!