Happy New Year and welcome to 2020. Thank you for being part of Aglow International in Canada. Whether you’ve been with us 50 years or you recently discover our movement, you are the heart of everything we do. Our wonderful community means the world to us. You keep us doing what we do.
For the last three years Tony and I have gone away to Mexico during the month of December for a period of rest and relaxation. This is a time I value and anticipate hearing the Voice of God for the New Year ahead. This year, I kept hearing again and again: “I am promoting Canada to a fresh start”.
The greatest days of church history in Canada are not in our past, but in our present and in our future. “Lead these people into the land, which I am ready to hand over to them” (Joshua 1:2) “The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former.” (Haggai 2:9)
During the last decade God has been moving us beyond religious mindsets that were unable to carry us into the future He has prepared for us. We were tasked with the restoration of the destiny we received before the fall. Truly a call to reformation defined by God Himself to turn the heart of the people back to His primary purpose (Genesis 1: 26). What we learned and experienced, began to dismantle the old mindset associated the ritual role of ministry, giving us a new identity and perception that began to shift our lives.
New Era
We have entered into a new era and we have no grid for what the Lord will do through the glorious end-time church. The world is quickly changing. The frequency of hostility and fearful events are fast moving with all things culminating in the rule and reign of Christ. The Church has never faced and done what she is about to face and do. What will define us now?
Our vision statement is to propel the Kingdom forward through the elevation of the knowledge of God. The structure of the spiritual life we are called to ascend and align the earth with heaven, rest upon and are under the power of a very real and permanent Kingdom. The word kingdom means “the King’s domain”. This implies that the Kingdom of God is all about every aspect of culture aligning itself with the rule of the King of the Kingdom.
New Decade
In the next decade we will see a continuous need to re-calibrate our role, to re-structure while we submit to His leadership, adjusting to a new paradigm of how He works. It will influence our whole approach to life and faith; with a lifestyle destined to reflect the glory of God. We have been given a clean slate to ascend to a higher place with God and operate on a new level of authority, to set the captives free, to remove the barriers that stand in the way of people experiencing the beauty and majesty of God, in the midst of darkness and of hostility on the earth. (Isa. 60:1-2)
Jesus will build His ekklesia through a radical remnant and the gates of hell will not prevail against this governing, ruling body under His Lordship as the King of kings. New doors of opportunities will open, new blueprints will arrive from heaven, and previously unheard instruction will be made known to us. His government will increase in visibility as the Church returns into it’s rightful place in the world.
Aglow International Canada would like to express its heartfelt appreciation for your financial support last year and if you would like to make a financial contribution to help us continue this Kingdom movement in 2020 you can become a supporter by partnering with us through giving a monthly donation or a one-time gift by clicking here. Your support means everything to us as we continue to develop apostolic teams and advance His kingdom in communities across Canada.