Faith Part 2
In my previous blogs, I mentioned, this is a year of faith and hearing. Throughout the Bible, and even in type and shadow in the Old Testament, we find that the essential for relationship with God is faith. The reality of faith in us is proven upon God taking the initiative to speak to us. That’s a biblical fact, because faith comes by hearing and hearing the rhema of God. [Romans 10:17] One example of God’s speaking and man’s hearing is the story of Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones. God directed Ezekiel to prophesy over the dry bones. The dry bones come to life at the command of God. (Ezekiel 37) In this picture of the dead bones hearing the word of God, God gives new life to his ancient people Israel.
So it is with all those who believe; when we hear the word of God, He will quicken it in our hearts and give us new life. Like the dry bones, we need to hear the word of God and respond in faith. We need to grab hold of this amazing truth, because behind those rhema words is the intentionality of God to get us into the right place before him, and for a whole new way of life to open to us.
Journey Into Faith
The fascinating thing about our journey into faith, is that God always puts a promise next to a problem, right there in the same space, the best and the worst. And you know if a problem comes first, a promise will come next. If a promise comes first, then a problem will come next, just so we can get excited about the space that we are working out the promises in. Because we are not working out a problem, we are working out the promises.
He is a relational Father who speaks, that we might know Him, love Him, obey Him and live our life trusting Him and His capability to lead us into what He has envisioned for us. That is how God wants us to primarily live this great journey of faith on earth. Without this, there is nothing, no relationship established with the Father.
His Promises Are Real
The first step to seeing a promise fulfilled is to believe what He has said will come to pass. Who has not heard of Sarah? She was Abraham’s wife and was told at 90 years old that she would have a son. She laughed because nothing sounded logical to her, but she entered into faith over what God was saying and received God’s promise.
We are called to walk by faith, not by sight! Faith is having the courage to let God have control. Keeping faith when things don’t seem logical or in the midst of bad times is a matter of bypassing our own human feelings to relying on what God has spoken to us. As Paul said in Colossians 3, we are to set our mind on the things above, not on the things on the earth.
Faith does not make things easy it makes them possible. The life of faith is primarily a stand against all that would contradict what He said. Faith doesn’t grow by just seeing and believing what He said, it also grows by practicing, while being bombarded by lies of the enemy or being exposed to contradiction to what God said. If what we carry is in our heart and not merely in our head, and we hold on to it, it is the enemy that yields.
God is Faithful! His promises are real! They will occur! The question is; what significance and impact will His promises have in your life?