Pray – air Strike #4

Aglow International Canada has obeyed God’s voice by travelling to the Western Front Jubilee in February and the Eastern Front Jubilee in July to welcome the King of Glory into our nation, Psalm 24.  Now, in this harvest season, God has chosen Regina for our Dominion Jubilee national conference.

“Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” John 4:35b.  He has been preparing His family/army through the “On Target” training.  You are warmly invited to come and join forces with the King of Kings and the family/army of Aglow as we move forward into the exciting days ahead!

Charlotte Mandolesi, National Prayer Coordinator

This is the final “pray-air” strike for the Dominion Jubilee national conference prepared by Maureen Smith, National Governmental Prayer/Game Changer Coordinator.


Aglow International Canada’s Dominion Jubilee celebration is coming quickly. 50 years of ministry in Canada is certainly a milestone worthy of great rejoicing! Father may Dominion Jubilee be a time of jubilant celebration and also a time of envisioning with great anticipation, what is yet to come!

Thankyou Heavenly Father that Aglow International Canada …

  • Was Holy Spirit Born and Holy Spirit Led!
  • Was established with the strong pillars of prayer and evangelism.
  • Was called to proclaim Your everlasting love and peace over all of the people of Canada.

As we step into the next 50 years we declare in Jesus Name that Aglow International Canada…

  • Is Holy Spirit Born and Holy Spirit Led!
  • Is a Kingdom Community!
  • Is called to exemplify the nature and the power and the substance and the promise of the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Is mantled with Kingdom-governmental authority to call Heaven into our nation; on earth as it is in Heaven.
  • Has been prepared by God for such a time as this.  We receive it and step into it.
  • Has been mantled with a mantle that will shift us from gleaning in the fields to taking the fields, of our nation; of the nations of the world!

Heavenly Father as the trumpet blast of liberty sounds for Aglow in Canada may Dominion Jubilee be a time of pressing into Your presence, a time of being in awe of Your Majesty, a time to corporately hear Your voice!
“It was for this freedom that Christ set us free [completely liberating us]…” Gal 5:1 amp.

Pray-Air Strike #3

This is the third in our series of “pray-air” strikes for the upcoming Dominion Jubilee national conference, prepared by Glenys Gogel, Prayer Coordinator for Saskatchewan.  We are delighted that two guest speakers will be joining us from Aglow International, Jane Hansen Hoyt, International President/CEO and Kathy Sanders, Executive Director of Leader Development. Come and be blessed!

Charlotte Mandolesi, National Prayer Coordinator.

We have fulfilled the vision of the National Aglow Team to go to the western and eastern gates of Canada to release the Dominion Mandate through decrees and declarations.  And on October 18-20, 2018 we will gather in Regina, The Capital of Saskatchewan, home of the RCMP training Depot, the Legislative Buildings and Aglow National Headquarters for The Dominion Jubilee Celebration.
Definition of Celebration:

  • Show happiness at something: transitive and intransitive verb to show happiness that something good or special has happened by doing such things as eating and drinking together or playing music.
  • Mark occasion: transitive verb to mark a special occasion or day by ceremonies or festivities.
  • Praise Something: transitive verb to praise something publicly or make it famous.

Definition of Dominion:  is the Hebrew word radaah, and it means to rule, to reign and to govern, and to take over.
Phil:  2:13 For it is God which worketh in you to will and to do His good pleasure.
This is a time of celebrating the 50th anniversary of Aglow.  And to celebrate with anticipation what lies ahead.  As we move ahead as an army with the Game Changers message, He will continue to work in us and through us for His good pleasure.  Let us continue to take ground and occupy in every Mountain of society.
2 Chronicles 1:10   May we have the His wisdom and knowledge for the future.


1. For The Holy Spirit’s presence that His plan and purpose would be fulfilled in and through us during this celebration Proverbs 19:21; Isaiah 14:24.

2. That as heirs and joint heirs with Christ we continue to rule, to take territory and understand what it means to occupy in tangible ways.
3. Call forth His kingdom.
4. Our nation is a Nation whose God is the Lord Psalms 33:12.

5. We see the destiny of territories as Christ sees them and make decrees and declarations.
6. Government would rule in righteousness – Provincial and Federally.
7. Safety, health and protection for all those planning to attend.
8. For abundance of resources.

Pray -Air Strike #2

This is the second in our series of “pray-air strikes” for the Dominion Jubilee national conference in Regina, Saskatchewan, October 18 – 20, 2018. This strike has been prepared by Gayle Rouse, National Strategic Prayer Assignment Leader.
“The apostolic, prophetic, praying church around the world has now established air supremacy over the enemy.  You have air supremacy!  Now go deal with the enemy and relentlessly drop “bombs” from the Heavenlies On him until he is no longer able to resist you.”  Dutch Sheets at the Aglow Jubilee Conference.

Thank you for releasing specific targeted prayers for the conference.
Charlotte Mandolesi, National Prayer Coordinator

As I was recently seeking the Lord for how He “sees Aglow” in this season, He encouraged me to take a look at my family – 5 married children, 11 grandchildren – 5 married and 1 live-in boyfriend, 2 great grandchildren and 1 on the way – 29 and soon 30 in all.  He then took me to “see” how all the adults here are so unique in their gifting and callings.  We have a couple of unique business owners – a police officer – a university librarian – a health care worker in a nursing home – a teacher in Japan – a bus driver  – a trader in a large international grain company – a roofer/musician ……. and on it goes – 22 adults in 22 diverse careers with a few more coming up.   Some go to the same job in the same place every day, some travel internationally on a regular basis and everything in between.

Yet when we come together for any reason, it’s never centered on careers or work – it’s about the family coming together to enjoy each other and to love one another.  Sometimes we are rejoicing over a marriage or anniversary or birthday or Christmas or………..  We aren’t trying to make everyone look and sound and be alike just because we’re family.  Each one is unique and each has his/her own life to walk out before the Lord.
As He reminded me of how unique my own family is in these 2 generations, He began to unfold His plan to make each Aglow group unique and not look like the rest.

I began to realize that this is a picture of how God is “creating a new template” in Aglow in Canada.  We are no longer cookie-cutter teams that lead in the same way in every situation.  We are called to seek His Face for every step and to not go before or lag behind when the road is hard and long.  We move forward as a family and yet an army – walking in relationship as we take ground for the Kingdom of God.

Prayer Points

1.  I declare Isa. 43:18-19 (AMP) for Aglow Canada in this season: “Do not (earnestly) remember the former things; neither consider the things of old.  Behold, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it?  I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” 

2.  Like Moses in Exodus 33 and 34, I don’t really understand this process but I declare that I DO NOT WANT TO GO ANYWHERE HIS PRESENCE DOESN’T GO BEFORE ME!!!!!
3.  I declare that Aglow Canada is a company of Game Changers who clearly hear the Voice of the Lord and are willing to obey Him as we move forward as family and army, in unity with our leaders and fellow workers.

Pray-Air Strike #1





As we consider our first “Pray – Airstrike” for our upcoming Aglow National conference I was remembering that in 1921 one of our forefathers, John A. Pearson, commissioned scriptures to be arched over the windows of the Peace Tower in our Canadian Government buildings. One of those  scriptures was, “He shall have dominion from sea to sea” Psalm 72:8. About a month ago, I had a vision, and I could see God’s river of life streaming from sea to sea across our nation; it was coming from Newfoundland right across the entire nation and ended in Vancouver Island. We stand together as the army of the Lord, in unity – declaring that our God is flowing with His river of life into our National team and our conference in Regina. Let the river of life flow right through each Lighthouse, Candlelight, Area Team, Prayer Team, and all that this ministry is and does, bringing forth much life from sea to sea, and everything in between. We speak to Aglow International Canada nation-wide and we say flourish and be filled with life and life abundant! Each of us is part of this great army and we stand together with declarations and decrees in our mouth, with our boots on the ground bringing life, salvation, healing and miracles to many across our land.

1.  Our God, the King of all Kings, shall have dominion in our country and in every portion of Aglow’s ministry in every province.

2.  We stand in unity and love. We declare our Lord’s blessing and favor is on every part of our conference and on every person attending the conference.

3.  We decree that this is Aglow International Canada’s time to flourish from sea to sea!

4.  We stand so thankful for all that the Lord has done for Aglow in Canada and for all He is about to do now and in the future!