Mandate 3: To stand in loving support for Israel and the Jewish people, while helping to bring awareness to the Body of Christ concerning God’s plans and purposes for those people He calls the apple of His eye.

Aglow seeks to obey God’s prophetic cry through Isaiah 40:1 “Comfort, yes, comfort My people, says your God. Speak comfort to Jerusalem …”

We do this by showing the love of Christ to a people who have, in history past, experienced pain and rejection at the hands of Christians. Our desire is to promote understanding and relationship with the Jewish people and to re-establish bonds of love, humility, service, and self-sacrifice toward them.

The response to this mandate can be summarized in three areas:


God directs us to pray for the peace of . This needs to be a priority in our prayer life.


Through studying Scripture and reading resource books and articles, allow God to bring revelation to your heart about the key role holds in His purposes. Become knowledgeable about anti-Semitism and Replacement Theology. Determine to repent of any place where these have slipped into your heart and your beliefs. Be willing to speak the truth to others concerning these issues.


Purpose in your heart to honour and esteem the Jewish people as our elder brothers and sisters. Realize that it is through them that we have received the Bible, the Old and New Covenants, and our Jewish Messiah, Jesus, who is our personal Saviour, and much more…

If ever there were a people who have suffered, it is the Jewish people. Through the course of history many others have suffered from prejudice and persecution but the sufferings of the Jewish people far exceed all others in their intensity and duration.

God has given Aglow a heart to support, love, and give comfort to the people of . He has also given an understanding and wisdom to pray and proclaim His prophetic purposes over the nation and the people.